Tomar History
This town and castle emerged on the 1st of March in 1160 by order of the first
Grand Master of the all-powerful Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal,
Gualdim Pais. The Order consisted of knights whose main purpose was to help the
Portuguese in defeating the occupying Moors. In return for this service the
knights received lands and political powers that in the end became their
eventual undoing as their strength and wealth grew to become too much of a
threat to the Church. The Pope Clement V in 1314 decided to act and suppressed
the Order. The Portuguese King Dom Dinis promptly reacted by creating a new
Order of Christ and this organization was given the assets and power of the
previous Knights Templar. The famous Portuguese Prince "Henry the Navigator" was
made the Governor of this new Order in 1418 and liberally used their funds
together with their logo of a white cross to finance his exploration voyages of
the world.
Tomar Description
The Igreja da Santa Maria dos Olivais was considered as the mother church of the
Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal and it is the resting place of many of
the past Masters. The most important secret ceremonies of this Order took place
in the "Charola", an octagonal chapel painted and carved in the Byzantine style
and is the heart of the 12th Century Convento de Cristo much of which was built
using the stone from Roman ruins. Many of the frescos, statuary and paintings
decorating the "Charola" have been carefully restored to their former splendour.
The 12th Century Castle attached to the Convento looks down on lively streets
and historic buildings.
The 15th Century Igreja de São João Baptista contains paintings that include a
remarkable work, the “Last Supper” painted by Gregório Lopes, painted during the
16th Century. In this town is one of the oldest synagogues in Portugal that was
built between 1430 and 1460. Last used in 1497 it is now a small Jewish Museum
in honour of Abraham Zacuto who was a renowned astronomer and mathematician who
lived in the 15th Century. Also, beside the 15th Century bridge Ponte Velha is
the Capela da Santa Ira built to celebrate the martyrdom of this 7th Century
Saint. This town has many other churches of interest, particularly the 16th
Century Nossa Senhora da Conceição. The Museu dos Fósforos in the former
cloisters of the Igreja de São Francisco is possibly unique in that it is
devoted to matches exhibiting some 43.000 matchboxes from 104 countries.
Tomar Nearby Locations
To the west of Tomar is the holy shrine of Fatima which attracts thousands of
faithful pilgrims throughout the year. To the northeast of Fatima is the 15th
Century impressive castled town of Ourém, the resting place of the Dom Afonso
Álvares Pereira. To the east is the National Dam, Barragem do Castelo de Bode, a
sprawling lake with many islands lined by eucalyptus forests and now well
exploited by the tourist industry. Further to the north is the pretty village
Dornes. Another charming village is that of Sardoel that lies slightly further
to the east. The inhabitants of this area were renowned in the 16th Century for
their ability in visual arts, both as competent painters and as folk dancers.
To the south of Tomar is the 13th Century fortress town of Abrantes that served
as a military headquarters for opposing armies during the Peninsular War
(1808-1814). These is an interesting event that occurred during the invasion of
the French army. Napoleon had created General Junot with the illegal title of
Duke of Abrantes. Junot then ordered the habitants to provide within two days on
the threat of death, 12.000 pairs of boots for his army. Working all hours and
with the help of neighbouring towns they provided some 4.000 which proved
sufficient to escape the blade.
To the west of Abrantes is the small pretty town of Constância and the
birthplace of Portugal’s famous 16th Century poet Luís Vaz de Camões. Close by
is the romantic 12th Century castle of Almourol that is noted as never to have
been successfully taken by any invading armies. Standing on its tiny island in
the middle of River Tejo it abounds in fables and is reputed to be haunted by a
lovely Princess. Slightly further west is the 12th Century fortress town of
Torres Novas with its many churches and its museum dedicated to its local artist
Carlos Reis (1863-1940). Outside this town is Villa Cardíllo, the ruins of a
important Roman villa that still shows some attractive mosaics, baths, and the
under-floor central heating system. Also, close to the town is the Neolithic
caves Grutas das Lapas that have been carved out of the rock.
To the south of Torres Novas is the quiet town of Golegã which explodes every
November with thousands of horse lovers from many countries at its annual horse
fair, Feira Nacional de Cavalo. Not be overlooked in this small town is the two
museums, one devoted to the photographic work of Carlos Relvas, and the other
exhibiting the work from the artist Martins Correia.
Tomar Map (Click Here)
Tomar Weather
Tomar Information
800 296 296 - Support to Tourists
112 - SOS
808 208 208 - Railways (CP)
249 329 800 - Town Hall
249 329 140 - Fire Brigade
249 313 444 - Police
249 321 100 - Hospital
249 329 000 - Tourist Office
Tomar Golf
Tomar Events
Every four years - Festa dos Tabuleiros
1st March - Town Holiday
Easter Sunday - Festa da Aleluia
20th October - Feira de Santa Iria
Tomar Locations of Interest
Agricultural Museum of Riachos
Municipal Museum of João de Castillo
Municipal Museum of Photography of Carlos Relvas
Museum of Factory of Flação
Museum of Friends of Order of Cristo
Museum and Home of M. Vasco Lima Couto
Museum of Latoaria
Museum Luso-Hebraic of Abraham Zacuto
Museum of Matchsticks of Aquiles da Mota Lima
Museum of Miniatures of Artistic Studios
Aqueduto dos Pegões
Castle of Knights Templar
Chapel - Capela de São Lourenço
Convento de Cristo
Church - Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição
Church - Igreja de Santa Maria dos Olivais
Church - Igreja de São João Baptista
Gardens - Jardim da Mata dos Sete Montes
Archaeological Sites of - Gruta do Caldeirão - (Tomar)
and Gruta da Nascente do Rio Almonda - (Torres Novas)
Castle - (Abrantes)
Castle - (Amieira)
Castle - (Belver)
Castle - (Bode)
Castle - (Torres Novas)
Castle of Almourol - (Vila Nova da Barquinha)
Caves of Lapas - (Torres Novas)
Caves of Nascente do Almonda - (Torres Novas)
Chapel - Capela de Sant'Ana - (Abrantes)
Church - (Sertã)
Church - Igreja da Misericórdia - (Abrantes)
Church - Igreja da Misericórdia - (Sardoal)
Church - Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça - (Envendos)
Church - Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Pranto - (Dornes)
Church - Igreja Santa Maria do Castelo - (Torres Novas)
Church - Igreja de Santiago - (Torres Novas)
Church - Igreja do Santissimo Salvador - (Torres Novas)
Church - Igreja de São João Baptista - (Abrantes)
Church - Igreja de São Tiago e São Mateus - (Sardoal)
Church - Igreja de São Vicente - (Abrantes)
Convento da Nossa Senhora da Esperança - (Abrantes)
Mosteiro do Varatojo - (Torres Vedras)
Roman Site - (Caveira)
Roman Site - Cordílio (Caveira)
Tower - Torres das Dornes - (Dornes)
Tower - Torre de Menagem - (Abrantes)
Town - (Amêndoa)
Village - (Dornes)
