With many delightful courses, pure coastal breeze from the Atlantic ocean, great fresh gastronomy and fantastic weather conditions, Aveiro is a Golf Bliss for most golfers.
Portugal Golf - Aveiro
Aveiro History
This city was once an important seaport with a history linked to its salt pans
dating back prior to 959 AD. This is how it was recorded in the will of Countess
Mumadona at which time the town was known by the name of Alavario. Much later,
in the 16th Century it acquired new prosperity through its cod fishing industry
practiced off the coast of Newfoundland. Unfortunately, very strong storms
occurred at the end of the same century with the result that the harbour mouth
silted up and thus virtually dealing a deathblow to all this beneficial trade.
Aveiro Description
Today the area is a centre of industry but the old lagoon of about 65 sq. kms
still has its charm with the many canals and the distinctive and interesting
“moliceiros” boats that are used to collect seaweed. The town with its 55.000
inhabitants is basically a mixture of neat fishermen’s cottages and Art Nouveau
townhouses with a few historic buildings. The small houses lining the beach area
are most attractive on the eye with their distinct colourful facades of
different painted colours. The church of Misericórdia dates from the 16th
Century, whilst the more modest Cathedral São Domingos is from the 15th Century.
The city’s museum is located in what previously was the Mosteiro de Jesus where
Santa Joana, the daughter of King Afonso V, died in 1490. This museum, besides
holding the well carved tomb of this Saint in a richly gold decorated sanctuary,
maintains an interesting collection of primitive and 15th Century art.
Aveiro Nearby Locations
About 8 Kms. to the south of Aveiro is the town of Ílhavo that houses a Maritime
Museum recording in some detail the local fishing history. To the south is the
home of the world famous fine porcelain factory of "Vista Alegre" founded in
1824. There is an interesting museum of their products from the inception in the
1850s. Directly to the east of Aveiro are the two towns of Vouzela and São Pedro
do Sul. In these two towns the houses reflect in their architecture the
considerable wealth that the inhabitants have enjoyed as result of the produce
taken from the fertile valley of the Rio Vouga.
Aveiro Events
25th March - Feira de Março
12th May - Town Holiday
12th May - Feira da Santa Joana
July - Agro Vouga
July & August - Festa da Ria
Aveiro Locations of Interest
Maritime Museum of Aveiro
Museum of Boats - Santo André
Museum of Hunting & Fishing
Museum of Living Science
Regional Museum of Aveiro
Chapel - Capela de São Bartolemeu
Chapel - Capela de São Gonçalinho
Church - Igreja da Nossa Senhora da Alegria
Church - Igreja da Misericórdia
Convento de Santo António
Convento de São Domingos
Mosteiro de Jesus
Fundação de Dionísio Pinheiro - (Águeda)
History Museum & Chapel of Vista Alegre - (Ílhavo)
Maritime Museum of the Region of Ílhavo - (Ílhavo)
Municipal Museum - (Ílhavo)
Municipal Museum - (Ovar)
Museum of Hats - (São João da Madeira)
Museum of Paper - (Santa Maria da Feira)
Museum of Sacred Art - (Arouca)
Museum of Sacred Art - (Ovar)
Museum & Home of Egas Moniz - (Estarreja)
Museum of Ferreira de Castro - (Oliveira de Azeméis)
Museum of Marieta Solheiro Madureira - (Estarreja)
Museum Ethnographic of Vouga Region - (Águeda)
Railway Museum of Vouga Region - (Águeda)
Regional Museum - (Oliveira de Azeméis)
Archaeological Site - Citânia de Sanfins (Aveiro)
Chapel - Capela de Vista Alegre - (Ílhavo)
Church - (Ovar)
Church - Igreja de Santa Eulália - (Águeda)
Dolman - Casa da Moura - (Sever do Vouga)
Mosteiro de Arouca - (Arouca)
Mosteiro dos Cucujães - (Oliveira de Azeméis)
Village - (Arouca)
Aveiro Beaches
Praia do Areinho
Praia da Barra
Praia da Cortegaça
Praia da Costa Nova
Praia do Esmoriz
Praia do Furodouro
Praia de Mira
Praia do Monte Branco
Praia de São Jacinto
Praia de São Pedro da Maceda
Praia da Torreira
Praia da Vagueira